BGI Associates LLC, a Division of Raven Strategic Group




Walk In Fingerprinting

Monday - Friday

9:30am - 4:30pm

No appointment needed!

                                     IN AN INSECURE WORLD


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Peace of  mind

We all hope we are wrong about our suspicions. The fact is we are right more than we are wrong. The problem is while we know something is going on, we can not always figure out what. 

​GPS can provide answers to your suspicions. Knowledge of what your child is doing while away from home in your car, can be vital to their success. It may even prevent bad driving habits that could save their lives.


BGI parental GPS tracking

While faith and trust are important, it is occasionally necessary to ensure compliance.

BGI rents GPS tracking units by the week or month to clients who want to ensure their children are safe and honest about their activities.

BGI offers the Safe Alert Plus GPS & emergency phone unit that can be placed in your child's backpack to quickly alert you to their location and allow them to call for help. You can set a geo-zone limit and monitor their activities to ensure they make it home safely.

New drivers

Adolescents, especially new drivers, can cause parents to lose many hours of sleep with excessive worry and concern. While cellphone GPS can be effective, it can easily be overridden by a child who does not want to be found. When you suspect activities that may be dangerous and your children will not cooperate in the solution, it may be time to call BGI and ask about our GPS rental.

We rent only the most advanced GPS units to our customers. The customer will have access to an online site with their own password. The parent can monitor all of their childs driving activities. 

  • Location (updated every 5 seconds)
  • Routes driven
  • Speeds driven
  • Travel times
  • ​Custom mapping
  • Customizable text alert
  • Excessive speed alerts
  • Start/Stop alerts
  • Pre-set location alerts​

Go away with friends

When a child is going away with friends for a weekend or longer, a GPS unit can be placed on the vehicle they will drive. You can then make sure they drive safely, arrive on time and arrive at the proper location. In the event their car breaks down, you know the exact location to send assistance.

It is peace of mind that will allow you to monitor without disturbing. 

* Parents can set the GPS to send text alerts to their cellphone when their child exceeds a speed limit, leaves a location or moves a car that is not supposed to be driven.​​

​* Your child does not have to be aware that you have placed a GPS tracking unit on a vehicle owned or leased by you.